Greeting friends & fans!
The holidays are now only two months away!
The joy of reading is the greatest gift you can ever give.
When selecting Christmas presents this year, be sure books are among your purchases.
Print books are still available in bookstores and online. If you are a fan of the physical book, your purchase sends a message that you don’t want to see this form of media vanish.
Many people now own eReaders. A gift card from iTunes, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble would make a eReader owner very happy! EBooks tend to be 50-75% cheaper than their print counterparts, so that’s twice the reading.
And like any good author, my books are available in all formats!
Enjoy your holidays. Thanks again for all your support and remember to dream BIG!
L. Diane Wolfe
“Spunk On A Stick”
The Circle of Friends
Spunk on a Stick
Double feature for you today!
Two of my fellow Dancing Lemur Press LLC authors have books coming out in the next few months.
Charlette Denise Sutton was one of the co-authors for my Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! book. She’s a talented writer, poet, and songwriter. Her book, Seizing Opportunities to Propel You Forward, debuts in eBook form on November 5, 2011. You can visit Denise’s site at My Words and Me
Alex J. Cavanaugh’s next book, CassaFire, comes out February 28, 2012. A truly incredible book trailer is now available at You Tube and featured below. You can visit Alex at his BLOG.
Both are amazing authors and I hope you have the opportunity to check out their books!